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The Vital Role of Physical Therapy in Pre- and Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

Written By Mauger Medical on May 8, 2024

a doctor talking to a female patient

Undergoing surgery marks a significant milestone in your healthcare journey. While surgery is often a crucial step in addressing various medical conditions or injuries, the process of recovery extends far beyond the operating room. Pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation, facilitated by physical therapy with Dr. Michael Mauger at Mauger Medical in Corpus Chiristi, TX plays a pivotal role in ensuring optimal outcomes and restoring functionality. 

Pre-Surgical Rehabilitation

  • Optimizing Physical Health - Preparing the body for surgery is crucial to a positive outcome. Dr. Mauger works closely with patients to optimize their physical health and functionality prior to surgery. By entering surgery in the best possible physical condition, patients are better equipped to withstand the stresses of the procedure and facilitate a smoother recovery.
  • Educating and Empowering Patients - Surgery can be a daunting prospect, often accompanied by anxiety and uncertainty. Dr. Mauger serves as an educator and guide, providing patients with valuable insights. By empowering patients with knowledge and tools to navigate their recovery journey, he instills confidence and resilience, fostering a proactive approach to healing.
  • Reducing Recovery Time - Pre-surgical rehabilitation has been shown to significantly reduce the length of hospital stays and accelerate the recovery process. By addressing pre-existing impairments, optimizing physical function, and promoting overall health and well-being, physical therapy sets the stage for a smoother and more efficient recovery post-surgery. 

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

  • Facilitating Healing and Recovery - Following surgery, the body requires time and support to heal and regain functionality. Physical therapy plays a crucial role in facilitating this process by implementing specialized exercises, manual techniques, and modalities tailored to each patient's specific needs and surgical procedure. 
  • Restoring Functionality and Mobility - Surgery can sometimes result in temporary or permanent limitations in mobility and function. Dr. Mauger employs a variety of techniques, including therapeutic exercises, joint mobilizations, and gait training, to restore optimal movement patterns and functionality. 
  • Preventing Secondary Complications - Prolonged immobility and inactivity following surgery can increase the risk of secondary complications such as muscle weakness, joint stiffness, and pressure ulcers. Physical therapy addresses these concerns by promoting early mobilization, strengthening weakened muscles, and improving postural alignment. 

Schedule Your Corpus Christi Physical Therapy Appointment

Physical therapy serves as an indispensable component of both pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation, playing a pivotal role in optimizing outcomes and restoring functionality. From preparing the body for surgery to facilitating healing, promoting mobility, and preventing complications, Dr. Mauger guides patients through every stage of the surgical journey with compassion, expertise, and dedication. If you are expecting to have surgery, schedule an appointment at Mauger Medical to learn how Dr. Mauger can help improve your recovery.

Posted In: Physical Therapy